Renae's Massage


Every client has a different experience and outcome with Renae's Massage but here are a few people that wanted to share their experience:


"I came upon Renae's Massage when I was driving down the road and saw her massage banner so I stopped and spoke with her. Little did I know that I would be encountered by someone that had the knowledge she did so I made an appointment. After 2 months working with Renae I could stand up straight, after 3 months working with Renae I could walk without assistance, and after 4 months with Renae I am able to do yard work. This is something I never thought I would be able to do again." -D.L. Rustburg, VA 


"I broke my leg three year ago and have always experience cramping and stiffness in that leg, after working with Renae, my leg has significantly less cramping" -M.M. Lynchburg, VA


"I am a teacher so headaches and shoulder pain have become a part of my everyday life, I accepted this and have learned to live with it. After listening to some of my fellow teachers talk about a massage therapist they met I decided to give her a try. I am now a client for life, I can not believe that headaches everyday don't have to be."  -A.L. Lynchburg, VA


"I suffer from anxiety, and there are days that it is crippling. I ran across Renae's Massage online and decided to email Renae. After a couple of emails and a phone consultation with her I came in for an appointment. Between the lighting, music, table warmth, gentle aromatherapy, and style of massage I felt I could manage life a little better when I left. I am not saying that Renae cures anxiety but she has discovered a way to ease the pain that it can cause your body and mind and finally let you relax for a little while. I can not explain how wonderful this is for me and I would recommend anyone try her and just see what she can do for you" -A.R. Forest, VA


"I have been a heavy set man my entire life and I have been seeing Renae for the last five years. In my past life as a heavy person Renae never made me feel judged or less of a human and now that I am on my weight loss path Renae has been essential to my success so far. From the inspirational things she sends to me, the weekly check ins, helping my muscles through working out, and just helping me, I couldn't ask for a better massage therapist, hell person, to be on this road with me." -J.L. Forest, VA